Netflix Originals Delhi Crime Season 01  is based on the Delhi Police investigation into the Nirbhaya case

Netflix released the trailer of its upcoming police-procedural series, Delhi Crime, which will launch on the service in 190 countries on March 22. Delhi Crime is a seven-part anthology series written and directed by award-winning Indo-Canadian filmmaker Richie Mehta and stars Shefali Shah, Adil Hussain, Rasika Dugal and Rajesh Tailang.

I’ll be honest that I got goosebumps watching the trailer so I’d ask one and all to watch it. Season 1 is based on the Delhi Police investigation into the Nirbhaya case, that shook the nation! To revisit it again after 5 years still wasn’t easy but it’s important to watch the new perspective. The story is a fictionalized depiction of the 2012 investigation into the incident and captures the complexities of the scrutiny, the emotional toll on the investigating team, and their determination to bring the perpetrators to justice in a fraught environment, seen through the lens of the investigation led by Varthika Chaturvedi (Shefali Shah), the police officer in charge.

In the trailer, you can see Shefali Shah the lead protagonist playing Varthika Chaturvedi, head of the police forces. It’s her fight with the people, the victims, the culprits and even her own daughter that adds to the new perspective.

The series premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2019 and has been lauded and garnered stellar reviews from critics across the world.

Netflix Originals Delhi Crime Season 01  is based on the Delhi Police investigation into the Nirbhaya case

Produced by Golden Karavan and Ivanhoe Pictures, the first season of Delhi Crime premieres on Netflix on March 22, 2019.

We are really looking forward to watching this Netflix Original as soon as it premieres on the 22nd of March. Do let us know what are your thoughts on the trailer and if you have any other favourite Netflix Original show or series. You can tweet or @nikhilchawla or @theunbiasedblog and alternatively leave a comment below.

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Nikhil Chawla
Social Media Evangelist | Gadget Guru | Model | Photographer | Ex- BlackBerry Boy - Now iOS | WP8 | Droid. Founder and Chief at ‘The Unbiased Blog’. I breathe in WiFi zone, prefer LTE over LIT. Ex MSFT, MCP, A+ and coder. I like news to be served to me on twitter.


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