Livetree-Adept the Unbiaseblog

If you remember, about two weeks ago we introduced you to LiveTree Adept – a platform that is all set to democratize Film & TV Industry with the power of Blockchain. In this post we will talk in detail about how Blockchain is will help content creators like you and me to create, earn and safeguard our content.

Film and TV industry is a huge $500 billion marketplace where millions of people have a livelihood. As with all such huge establishments, there are many problems and I’d like to point out 5 major problems –

  1. Original storytelling has been on a decline
  2. Digital piracy affecting filmmakers
  3. Lack of access to content in different markets
  4. No awareness about intellectual copyright
  5. Movies are becoming less ‘valuable

Would you believe me if I tell you that all the above-mentioned problems with the Film & TV Industry can be solved by LiveTree Adept? Yes, thanks to you as a content creator and the power of Blockchain you can –

  1. Create original content and be the storyteller
  2. As all the intellectual property will be moved to the blockchain you don’t have to worry about piracy or copyright issues
  3. Your content won’t be limited to a specific region or be restricted by local certification processes. It will be available to all but still be secure on the blockchain
  4. People are scared to come forward, don’t know how to deal with these problems or are too afraid to stand up to abusive practices. But with Blockchain these problems are taken care off
  5. The overall value of a Movie is on a downhill due to several reasons like – OTT players: Amazon Prime, Netflix etc taking away a huge chunk of money that used to come from DVD’s and Bluray discs. But as these OTT players are selective and only back creators of their choice. People like you and me are left with no option to showcase our talent.

LiveTree Adept infographic

That’s how LiveTree ADEPT goes beyond crowdfunding and employs the blockchain to lower fees, eliminate costly contracts and introduces world’s premier end-to-end, distribution platform. Over the last two years LiveTree has established numerous high-profile partners including Red Rock Entertainment, The British Film Institute, Film London and Screen Arts Institute, and 14,000 industry suppliers worldwide.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s now or never as LiveAdept in an industry first move has lowered the price per Seed token from 0.001 ETH to 0.000165 ETH. This price change takes effect as of 14th March 23:59 UTC. The hardcap is being changed to $20m to reflect the new Seed price, and the token sale will be extended until 1st April 23:59 UTC.

Ethereum Price

Link to Buy Seed Token –!/seed-signup/

If you have any queries or feedback, then please leave a comment below or tweet to us @theunbiasedblog

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Nikhil Chawla
Social Media Evangelist | Gadget Guru | Model | Photographer | Ex- BlackBerry Boy - Now iOS | WP8 | Droid. Founder and Chief at ‘The Unbiased Blog’. I breathe in WiFi zone, prefer LTE over LIT. Ex MSFT, MCP, A+ and coder. I like news to be served to me on twitter.


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