As a blogger, I cover a lot of events – PR meets, product launches, bloggers’ meets etc. But there are few events that set a benchmark so high that you just can’t help but talk about them. That said, I would like to point out the recent Samsung Galaxy Note 4 #Blogathon meet. A bloggers’ meet precisely designed keeping in mind the bloggers from the word go!
First the gala launch amongst Manu Sharma, Samsung India Head; Aditya Babbar, Sr. Product manager, Samsung India electronics and Gadget Guru Rajiv Makhni.
Don’t be mistaken, this wasn’t the official launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, the official launch was even more grandeur.
Have a look at the pics from the official launch of Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in India.
Coming back to the blogger centric launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launch, the event was broadly divided into 3 categories:
- Product Keynote
- Experience Zone
- Shoot the Review Video (Professionally with movie like studio setup; production assistants; linear editors)

Also the added fun with RJ Naved in the radio booth; the NOTE wall and the velfies using the Samsung Galaxy Note 4
If all this wasn’t enough, the media kit included the Samsung Galaxy Gear Fit for each blogger at the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 #Blogathon
Finally, I’d like to end this post by quoting Mr. Manu Sharma, Samsung India Head – “Today is an iconic day not only because of the product but because of the event we are holding for the blogger community today.”