They helped you around Valentines Day and made sure that your prince charming/lady love gets the best gift this year. But Wishpicker is not just about gifting your love, it’s an experience! An experience committed to find the perfect gift for your loved ones.
With Rakhi approaching, and people scrambling to find that perfect gift for their siblings, Wishpicker – Your wish my command is here to serve you. And trust me a lot has happened since they launched earlier this year, starting with:
1. They have come up with their mobile web app
- Mobile is the future, and they are betting big on it. Wishpicker has just launched their mobile web app, and this will enable them to cater to consumers for whom online shopping is a mobile only or on-the-go experience.
2. The startup has crossed 200K unique monthly visitors with absolutely zero marketing spend – excluding the massive traffic on their blog. Now that’s a feat!
- Reaching 200K monthly unique visitors without any marketing spend shows the strength of their recommendation engine and of course their marketing team. Kudos!
- It’s a herculean task to reach such a milestone primarily via word of mouth marketing. But they did it!
3. It’s even steven for them as they have broken even operationally – next up a round of funding
- Given the increase in traffic, and the improvement of their recommendation engine on the back of machine learning, wishpicker has broken even operationally
- As a fast growing and successful venture they require funding and are in advanced talks with both institutional investors, and various angels.
4. To master it all they have set up an in house data analytics team, design has also undergone a complete revamp
- The data analytics team crunches millions of data points to come up with gift recommendations perfect for the gift recipient. Machine learning has been implemented to ensure that recommendations get better with every passing day.
- Based on user feedback, they have redesigned thewebsite from scratch. The new layout makes for a more visual way to browse through and select a gift. This has directly impacted our conversion rate.

Wifey @nehachawla_ and me have already ordered gifts for our brothers and sisters respectively, you too should rush to and order.